מכונת ניקוב Puma
Puma Series capacities The full capacities of the Puma series of ironworker machines can be observed in the following table: FEATURES PUMA 55 PUMA 80 PUMA 110 PUMA 165 PUMA 220 PUNCHING Punching Power 55 Ton 80 Ton 110 Ton 165 Ton 220 Ton Maximum Capacity Ø 40×10 mm Ø 40×14 mm Ø 40×20 mm […]
מספריים אוניברסליים עם תחנת כיפוף BendiCrop
Bendicrop series capacities The capacities of Bendicrop models are displayed on the following table: FEATURES BENDICROP 50 BENDICROP 60 BENDICROP 85 PUNCHING Punching Power 50 Ton 60 Ton 80 Ton Maximum Capacity (A) Ø 31 x 12 mm (B) Ø 27 x 13 mm Ø 40 x 11 mm Ø 40 x 15 mm Throat […]
מספריים אוניברסליים עם דאבל פיסטון Hydracrop
Hydracrop series capacity The features and capacities of the Hydracrop series may be observed in the following table: FEATURES HYDRACROP 55 HYDRACROP 80 HYDRACROP 110 HYDRACROP 165 HYDRACROP 220 PUNCHING Punching Power 55 Ton 80 Ton 110 Ton 165 Ton 220 Ton Maximum Capacity with gooseneck die holder Ø 40×10 mm Ø 20×20 mm Ø […]
מספריים אוניברסליים עם פיסטון אחד MiniCrop
The Multicrop Series of punching machines packs similar features to Geka’s but with an added angle shearing station for shearing angles at 45º leg in and leg out. MAIN FEATURES OF GEKA’S ONE-CYLINDER PUNCHING MACHINES FEATURES MICROCROP 36 MINICROP 45 MULTICROP 45 Punching power 36 Ton 45 Ton 45 Ton Maximum capacity Ø 28×10 mm […]